akhir tajam bahasa Inggris
- akhir: curtains; encyclopedia end; end; fag; fag-end;
- tajam: acrid; acrimonious; acute; biting; incisive;
- tajam: acrid; acrimonious; acute; biting; incisive; keen; knife edged; penetritive; poignant; pointed; pungent; rapierlike; sarcastic; sharp; sharply; snappy; trenchant; caustic; clear-cut; hard; mordant;
- akhir: curtains; encyclopedia end; end; fag; fag-end; final; close; conclusion; ending; summit; concluding; zenith; weekend; far end; cease; tail; stopping point; acme; tip; goal; terminate; peak; apex; bo
- bau tajam: acrid
- berakal tajam: witty
- berbau tajam: sharp smell
- bergigi tajam: serrated; dentate; notched; erose
- berlidah tajam: sharp-tongued
- berpandangan tajam: sharp-sighted; gimlety; gimlet-eyed
- berpenglihatan tajam: eagle-eyed; lynx eyed; sharp-eyed; farseeing
- bersudut tajam: angular
- dengan tajam: bitingly; piercingly; pointedly; caustically; acerbically
- lebih tajam: sharper; gambler
- memandang tajam: peered at; peering at
- Well, we're the ones at the sharp end.
Nah, kami yang pada akhir tajam.